
jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Error Message

What is an error message?

An error message is considered as the minimum unit of communication between the computer and the user. Error messages are a warning that occurs when there is any deficiency or damage our computer. Often these errors are often overlooked or is not given due attention which causes the PC suffer severe damage that sometimes end their functional life.

They are considered as the smallest unit of full communication between the user and the computer. The error messages in the system are often a concern for the user since we announced some deficiency or failure in our computer.


Cause: Drivers incompatible or poorly made, software serious bugs, faulty hardware.

Explanation: The kernel exception handler has detected that a process is trying to execute an invalid instruction.

Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456

By default login failed error message is nothing but a client user connection has been refused by the server due to mismatch of login credentials. First task you might check is to see whether that user has relevant privileges on that SQL Server instance and relevant database too, thats good. Obviously if the necessary prvileges are not been set then you need to fix that issue by granting relevant privileges for that user login.

Althought if that user has relevant grants on database & server if the Server encounters any credential issues for that login then it will prevent in granting the authentication back to SQL Server.

Error Codes programming languages

Most programming languages ​​have at least two types of errors that allow programmers to handle failures of programs in an efficient manner and that is not aggressive with the end user. These errors are compile and runtime errors.
Compilation errors normally inhibit derive the source code into an executable program, while runtime errors are specific situations in which an external event prevents program execution. Regularly efficient programmer should try to figure out how to respond to these events so that the program is not the user or the operating system to solve the problem. So for example an unhandled error block could do the following:

Open the "myfile" file for writing begins to write data in my file closes the file, if "myfile" does not exist (or program or you do not have enough to open privileges), the operating system will return an error that the program catch you and have a message like myfile "file“, "can not be opened for writing" buttons to retry, cancel and abort (in the Windows operating system), which will have no action be repeated indefinitely with no way out of that cycle not as violently assuming the program ended. A code that allowed catch the runtime error would be:

Open the "myfile" file for writing, if the operating system allows it begins to write data to "myfile" if it did not allow it informs the user of what happens returns the user to a point where there is no conflict (the main menu, by example), continues to operate normally.

Different programming languages ​​allow different logical constructs programmers to trap and resolve errors at runtime, such as the assert statements, try and error on different programming languages.

Common programming errors

1.       Division by zero.
2.       Infinite loop.
3.       Arithmetic problems like flooding (overflow) or underflow.
4.       Exceeding the size of the array.
5.       Using an uninitialized variable.
6.       Not permitted access memory (Access Violation).
7.       Loss of memory.
8.       Overflow or underflow the stack (data structure).
9.       Buffer overflow.
10.    Deadlock.
11.    Inadequate indexing tables in databases.
12.    Stack Overflow recursion, when left too many calls on hold.
13.    Blue screen of death.


Cause: Driver poorly done.

Explanation: The cause is the same as the error 0x0000000A, but this time it is known that it is a safe driver.

Error "Internet Explorer can not display the webpage"

Solving this Problem. (In Windows 8 or 8.1)

Disable Enhanced Protected Mode

Enhanced Protected Mode is a new feature of Internet Explorer 10. It works by extending existing protected-mode functionality to prevent software installation attackers from accessing personal information and corporate intranets and modifying system settings. To do this, the enhanced protected mode must reduce some of the capabilities available for Internet Explorer. These restrictions may cause problems with the browsing experience when using Internet Explorer. By disabling enhanced protected mode, Internet Explorer performance may improve, but could pose a risk of potential attacks.

Help if you can not make FaceTime calls or receive them. (Iphone)

Common reasons for the problem with FaceTime.

·         FaceTime audio calls or video calls may not be available to all countries, regions or operators.

·         FaceTime is unavailable or may not appear on devices purchased in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates (including Dubai).

·         FaceTime is not available for call forwarding.

·         If you try to switch from a FaceTime call to a phone call or a FaceTime audio call.

Solving these common FaceTime issues on Iphones
If none of the above reasons apply to you and you still can not make or receive FaceTime calls, follow these steps:

1.       Make sure your device has a Wi-Fi connection to the Internet or a mobile data connection.

2.       Get more information if you're using a router, firewall, or security software that restricts Internet access.

3.       If you are trying to use FaceTime over mobile network, check that mobile data usage is enabled for FaceTime. Go to Settings> Mobile Data> Use Mobile Data for and activate FaceTime.

4.       Go to Settings> FaceTime and confirm that FaceTime is enabled.

5.       If "Waiting for Activation" appears, disables FaceTime and then turns it back on. Find out what to do if you can not turn on FaceTime.

6.       If you do not see the FaceTime setting, make sure Camera and FaceTime are not disabled in Settings> General> Restrictions.

7.       Make sure the phone number or email address that appears is correct.

8.       Go to Settings> General> Date and time, and turn on Automatic adjustment.

9.       Reboot the device.

10.   Please update your device to the latest version of iOS.


Microsft. (2016). Error "Internet Explorer no puede mostrar la página web". 1-11-2016, de Microsoft Sitio web: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/kb/956196

Apple. (2016). Obtener ayuda si no puedes realizar llamadas de FaceTime ni recibirlas. 1-12-2016, de Apple Sitio web: https://support.apple.com/es-es/HT204168

Wikipedia. (2016). Error de software. 1-12-2016, de Wikipedia Sitio web: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_de_software

Proyect_Sena012. (18-10-2012). MENSAJES DE ERROR EN LOS SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS. 1-12-2016, de Blogger Sitio web: http://mensajes-de-error.blogspot.com/

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