MS-DOS Source
Before starting, comment that before the section of history that we are going to explain, there is activity related to the MS-DOS operating system, but that has no greater relevance, such as versions very little developed and that did not even exist with the name of MS-DOS.
The story begins in 1981, with the purchase by Microsoft of an operating system called QDOS, which after making a few modifications, becomes the first version of the operating system of Microsoft MS-DOS 1.0 (MicroSoft Disk Operating System)
From here, a series of modifications of the operating system follow, up to version 7.1, from which MS-DOS ceases to exist as such and becomes an integrated part of the Windows operating system.
Now we will explain and comment on the MS-DOS chronology in all versions:
In 1982, version 1.25 appears, which adds support for double-sided diskettes.
It is not until the following year, 1983, when the system begins to have more functionality, with its version 2.0, which adds support to IBM hard disks of 10 MB, and the possibility of reading-writing 5.25 "disks with capacity of 360Kb In version 2.11 of the same year, new keyboard characters are added.
In 1984, Microsoft would release its version 3.0 of MS-DOS, and that is when it adds support for high-density 1.2MB disks and the possibility of installing a hard disk with a maximum of 32MB.
In the same year, support for Microsoft networks was added in version 3.1.
Commad DOS
dir : Displays the contents of the C: \ drive on the screen.
dir > example.txt: Creates a text file named example.txt that contains the contents of the C: \ drive.
dir >> sample.txt: Add the contents of the drive C: \ already exists file called example.txt
dir > lpt1: Print the contents of the C: \ drive on the printer connected to the LPT1 port
dir > com1: Print the contents of the C: \ drive on the printer connected to port com1
dir | Clip: Copy the contents to the clipboard (English version).
More Command
dir d: Displays the contents of drive D: \
dir d: / a: h / s: Displays the contents of drive D: \ including hidden files and subfolders
dir,: Displays the contents of the current directory including hidden files and subfolders (this functionality has been discontinued in newer versions of Windows).
dir /? : Displays help for the dir command.
What is the difference between internal and external commands?
When your computer is in operating system, small programs are loaded into memory, these programs can be executed without the need for your computer to search the program on the hard disk, this is called Internal Commands.
At the moment of writing a command to be something big, the computer needs to read it from somewhere to be able to execute since these commands can not be stored in the ram and also has some other options (parameters) which help you to complement the Desired action, that's why they are called external commands.
These are programs that are transferred from the operating system to reside in memory (RAM) and are located in, which can be executed at any time from the command prompt, these programs are stored in memory when read The These commands do not require the presence of the operating system disk.
Your resident commands are as follows:
** BREAK: Enables or disables extended verification CTROL + C.
** CD (CHDIR): Displays the name of or changes the current directory. Ex: C: \> DOS CD Enter. With the previous example it means that we have moved from the root directory to the DOS directory.
** CHCP: Displays or sets the number of active code tables.
** CLS: Clear the screen.
** COPY: Copy one or more files to another location. Example: c: \> COPY DesignTXT A: enter. With the above example it says that the TXT layout file has been copied from disk c to disk a.
** CTTY: Switches the terminal device to control your system.
** DATE: displays or sets the date.
** DEL (ERASE): Delete one or more files. Ex: C: \> DELTXT Design Enter. Using the above example means that the TxtText file has been deleted from disk C.
These commands need a lot of memory capacity to stay inside it at the same time, so they are recorded on the disk, and we can assign them when necessary. They are called external because they are recorded outside the RAM.
Transient or External Commands:
** APPEND: Opens data files in specified directories.
** ATTRIB: Displays or changes the file indicators.
** CHKDSK: Checks a disk and displays a status report.
** DBLSPACE: Sets or configures compressed disk drives.
** DEBUG: Starts Debug, a publisher and proofreader.
** DEFRAG: Rearrange files on a disk to optimize it.
** DELOLDOS: Removes the OLD-DOS.1 directory and its files.
** DELTREE: Deletes a directory, its files and subdirectories.
** DISCOMP: Compare the contents of two floppy disks.
** DISKCOPY: Copies the contents of one floppy disk into another.
** DOSKEY: Edits command lines, invokes DOS commands, creates macros.
** DOSSHELL: Indicates DOS graphical interface.
** EDIT: Starts the DOS Editor that creates and modifies ASCII files.
** EMM386: Enables or disables access to expanded memory.
** EXPAND: Expands one or more compressed files.
** FASTHELP: Presents a quick help of DOS commands.
** FASTOPEN: Decreases the time to open files and directories.
** FC: Compare files and show their differences.
** FDISK: Set up a hard disk for DOS use.
** FIND: Searches for a string of text in one or more files.
** FORMAT: Format a floppy disk for use with DOS. Command of the MS-DOS operating system whose mission is to format the storage units (hard disks and diskettes).
MS-DOS related terms
It is a set of programs and auxiliary files that allow interactivity between the user and the computer, behaving as an interpreter between human language and machine language. It also handles the administration of the devices as well as the loading and execution of applications.
Previously the operating systems had the following characteristics:
Figure 1. Ms-DOS main screen.
Single user: only one user could use it at a time.
Monotarea: this is that you could not access several applications at once.
Text environment: for basic management, only needed the use of the keyboard, while for your applications if you could use the mouse.
Program On DOS
Sound Programs (includes audio CD players)
Mpxplay v1.61 MP3,OGG,WAV,AAC,FLAC, WMA, MPC,AC3 player with integrated file browser, spectrum analyser and other features.
QuickView Pro v2.61 Plays MP3,WAV,OGG and view other graphic and video formats.
OpenCP v2.60pre6 DOS music player (MP3, MIDI, MOD, WAV, CD-audio) with spectrum analyser and other features. GPL
DAMP v0.97 WIP 8 Free MP3 Player. Displays synchronised graphics when playing MP3 files. Source code available
XTCPlay v0.97c Graphical audio player of MP3, WAV, S3M, MOD and more from the demo group Sanction.
DOSAMP v0.8 DOSAMP is a freeware command-line MP3 player.
QuickView Pro v2.61 Plays MP4(!), AVI (incl DivX), MPG, MOV (Quicktime), MP3, WAV, OGG and view other graphic formats.
NConvert v6.88 command line batch image processor with more than 80 commands and compatible with 500 image formats.
PictureViewer 1.94 PictureViewer can view and convert many graphic formats. Freeware
SEA v1.3 This shareware viewer/converter/image manipulator has an easy to use GUI
LXPIC v7.3 Small (size of exe :20K!) yet powerful viewer of JPG, GIF, PCX, CAM and others
MPEGone v1.10 DOS MPEG and VideoCD player
DVD4DOS Beta 1 non-realtime playback of DVD movies
Cute Mouse Driver v2.1 beta 4 Mouse driver with wheel support for both AT and PS/2 mice; uses only 3K (!) of memory
BenQ (Acer) CDROM driver v2.14 Uses only 5K and works with many IDE CDROM drives
SHSUCDX v3.03F MSCDEX replacement ; uses only 11K resident ; can be unloaded. Now part of SHSUCD, a suite of programs dealing with the CD-ROM. Older versions here
UMBPCI V3.87 Free hardware UMB driver (only 240 bytes) for DOS/Win9x - replaces EMM386.EXE
Srdisk v2.09c dynamically ReSizeable RAMDisk for FreeDOS (and other DOSes) able to use over 32M of XMS and EMS memory. GPL
XMSDSK.EXE v1.9i Freeware resizable ramdisk;can be installed/uninstalled from the command line.
Corel WordPerfect Suite for DOS Excellent website about WPDOS including printing to USB printers, Euro Support, running WP in 64 bit Windows and MUCH more
Account Pro accounting software for DOS Manage your accounts. freeware
As-Easy-As v5.7As-Easy-As Spreadsheet program. Now freeware
Cash Register v7.1j Convert any PC into a cash register/Point of Sale system. Freeware
PEDIT v4.0 Excellent freeware text editor.Includes spell-checker,thesaurus,word wrap and MUCH more.
EDITV 4.1 Freeware DOS text editor with the look and feel of Borland's IDE editor
SET's editor v0.5.4 Familiar Borland interface with syntax highlighting and background playing of MP3 files!
MinEd 2014.24.2 Text editor with extensive Unicode support
DOSStart v1.9b build 9.2.2002 GUI for launching programs (uses Win9x "Start" button approach) and managing files.
Spectra v1.0 (formerly WinDOS) a GUI DOS file manager / shell. Source code available
Access v5.0RC2 Freeware graphical DOS menu program. Supports SVGA, built-in CD player; can use Windows icons
AUMenu for DOS and Unix v1.4.3a multi-platform menu shell for DOS and Linux. DOS version is free
Directory Freedom v4.61B Small (single 39K exe), fast freeware file/directory manager. Source code available
File Maven v3.5a Freeware file manager with Laplink-style file transfers via serial or parallel cable
Alternative DOSes (all MSDOS compatible OSes other than MSDOS itself - including emulators)
FreeDOS v1.2 RC2 A GNU GPLed version of DOS. Also has lots of DOS-related news
FreeDOS images for VirtualBox Ulrich Hansen's page provides FreeDOS images for VirtualBox and various tips for running FreeDOS in Virtualbox
Cobalt 1.2(formerly known as Carbon) a DOS distro based on FreeDOS with long filename support
LightDOS Prerelease 4 DOS distro with the oZone desktop environment, long file name support and more.
XFDOS 2.0 FreeDOS distro with graphical SLWM desktop manager and bundled with many applications including web browser, email client, PDF viewer and more
DR-DOS 7.01.08 WIP (21.7.2011) patches to enhance the capabilities of DR-DOS/OpenDOS 7.0x
DOSBox 0.74 open source DOS x86 emulator for Windows, Linux to (primarily) play DOS games
IBM PC DOS 2000 Last version of PC DOS offers Y2K compliance and support for Euro symbol. Only a info page from the Wayback archive
DR-DOS 7.03 From DeviceLogics (formerly Lineo/Caldera), has native FAT32 support. Marketed towards embedded systems
Lineo DR-DOS 7.03b unoffical site about DR-DOS, a DOS which includes Personal Netware and has many other unique features
informaticamoderna. (2015). Terminos relacionados con MS- DOS. 29-11-2016, de informaticamoderna Sitio web:
wikipedia. (2009). MS-DOS. 29-11-2016, de wikipedia Sitio web: (2012). Comandos Internos y Externos del MS – Dos. 29-11-2016, de Sitio web:
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