
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

La computadora

The computer (also called computer) It is an electronic device capable of receiving a set of instructions and executing them by performing calculations on numerical data, or by compiling and correlating other types of information. The world of high technology would never have existed but for the development of the computer. The whole society uses these machines, in different types and sizes, for the storage and manipulation of data. Computer equipment has opened a new era in manufacturing thanks to automation techniques, and have enabled modern communication systems to be improved. They are essential tools in virtually all fields of research and applied technology.

Types of computers
The first-generation computers used bulbs for processing information. Operators entering data and programs in special code by punched cards. Internal storage was achieved with rapidly spinning drum on which a read / write magnetic marks placed. These computers were much larger bulbs and generated more heat than contemporary models.

 Resultado de imagen para primera generacion de la computadora

Transistor Limited Compatibility
The invention of the transistor made possible a new generation of computers, faster, smaller and lower ventilation needs. However, the cost was still a significant portion of the budget of a company. Computers of the second-generation networks also used magnetic cores instead of rotating drums for primary storage. These nuclei contained small rings of magnetic material, linked together, which could be stored in data and instructions.
Resultado de imagen para segunda generacion de la computadora

Integrated Circuits Support Team Mayor, multiprogramming, Minicomputer.
The computers of the third generation emerged with the development of integrated circuits (silicon wafers) in which thousands of electronic components are placed in a miniature integration. Computers again became smaller, faster, they gave off less heat and were more energy efficient.
Resultado de imagen para tercera generacion de la computadora

Microprocessor, memory chips, micro-miniaturization
Two improvements in computer technology marks the beginning of the fourth-generation replacement memories with magnetic cores, the silicon chip and the placement of many more components on a chip: product of micro-miniaturization of electronic circuits. The small size of microprocessor chips and made possible the creation of personal computers (PC).
Resultado de imagen para cuarta generacion de la computadora

It is becoming more difficult to identify the generations of computers, because the great advances and new discoveries no longer surprise us as happened in the mid-twentieth century. Some consider that the fourth and fifth generation are over, and placed fourth in the years 1971-1984, and between 1984-1990 the fifth. They consider that the sixth generation is developing since 1990 to date.
Resultado de imagen para quinta generacion de la computadora

As supposedly the sixth generation of computers has been underway since the early nineties, we should at least outline the characteristics required of this generation computers. some of the technological advances of the last decade of the twentieth century and what is expected to achieve in the XXI century are also mentioned. Computers of this generation have parallel / vector architectures combined with hundreds of vector microprocessors working simultaneously.
Resultado de imagen para sexta generacion de la computadora

Jimenez, R. (2015). Generaciones de la Computadora. 07/09/2015, de Line Sitio web: https://line.do/es/generaciones-de-la-computadora/pmh/vertical
Alexis, M. (2009). Las Generaciones De La Computadora. 15/12/2012, de KARASS Sitio web: http://es.slideshare.net/karass/las-generaciones-de-las-computadoras-2100469

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