Keyboard concept
It is an external instrument that is represented by a
set of keys, which are responsible for entering information into a computer or
device using characters (letters, numbers and symbols).
Function Keys
It is the first line of keys and are at the top of the
keyboard. They are represented as F1, F2, F3... and they serve to perform a
specific function or to access shortcuts of programs.
Control Keys
They are used alone or in combination with numbers to
access functions or perform certain actions. The most commonly used are Ctrl,
Alt, Esc and the key with the Windows logo.
Alphanumeric keys to type
Here are all the letters, numbers, symbols and
punctuation. These keys are usually in a typewriter keypad
Numeric keyboard
Used to enter numerical data quickly. Keys and symbols are grouped in the same way
as shown in the calculator.
Special keys and scroll
These keys are serving you to scroll through documents
or web pages and edit text. Among them they are: Delete, Home, End, Page Up,
Page Down, ImpPt and the arrow keys.
Function Block:
For example by pressing the F1 key allows programs in
Microsoft access help. The Escape or Esc key: is generally used to cancel
operations at the user level and to leave programs or sections thereof; for
example, it can be used to close the menus of an application to invalidate a
incorrect data entry has been made, not previously requested authorize the printing
of a document, etc.
Alphanumeric Block:
Is located at the bottom of the function block
contains the Arabic numerals, which are most commonly used symbols to represent
numbers from 1 to 0. And the alphabet organized as a typewriter, plus some
special keys.
Special Block:
It is located to the right of alphanumeric block
contains some special keys such as Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, start,
end, insert, delete, PAGE DOWN, PAGE UP, and the arrow keys for moving the
insertion point in all four directions.
Numeric keypad:
It is located to the right of the special block is
activated when pressing the Num Lock key contains Arabic numerals, organized
like a calculator in order to facilitate digitations figures, also it contains
the signs of the four basic operations such as addition + , subtraction -,
multiplication * and division /, also it contains a key Enter or enter to enter
the numbers.
1- He touches the keyboard in an indie band.
2- Please enter the keyboard password.
3- I bought a wireless keyboard for your computer.
4- The keyboard was so old that heard typing from
another room.
5- You can type on the keyboard without looking at the
6- Where is the at sign key on this keyboard?
7- Now your hands are on the keyboard.
8- We have transfers of accounts prepared on the
9- Keyboard lock or combined, we can do it in less
than ten minutes.
10- You're in front of the keyboard to work.
El teclado: Es
dispositivo externo que nos permite interactuar de manera escrita con el
computador a través de teclas con diferentes funciones de combinaciones, estas funciones son: Tecla de función, tecla de control,
tecla alfanuméricas, numéricas, teclas especiales y de desplazamiento.
Teclado de función: Se
ubica en la parte superior del teclado y se representa como F1, F2, F3... que
sirve específicamente para acceder a los atajos de los programas.
Teclas de control: Es
la combinación de los números para acceder a funciones y teclas que dependen de
otra tecla para funcionar como por ejemplo: Ctrl, Alt, Esc. Que son llamadas teclas muertas. Una tecla de salida
llamada Esc. Mas la tecla del logo de Windows.
Alfanuméricas: Son
teclas en letra de abecedario y números colocados en el orden del 1 al 9 más el número cero. Que sirven para calcular
un número con otro de manera interna en el computador.
Teclado numérico: Son números y símbolos para ingresar
de manera rápida los datos en el computador de forma escrita ya que el teclado
numérico es también un dispositivo externo.
Teclas especiales y de
desplazamiento: Son teclas que se desplazan hacia arriba, hacia abajo, a la
derecha y a la izquierda. Además sirve para el movimiento de la barra de un
documento o de una página web.
Todas estas funciones del
teclado mencionadas en el trabajo. Hacen que el ser humano tenga la facilidad
de escribir en el computador sin tener que usar cuaderno para escribir, las
herramientas que usa el teclado como funciones son botones externos que tienen
la habilidad de interactuar con la computadora de forma literaria en la
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